CCNA Chapter 7-11 Exam Review

📚📚 设计可变长子网Designing VLSM addressing scheme
📚📚 实际就是按需分配子网,根据所需主机数量来分配

An IPv4 address is divided into two parts: a network portion – to identify the specific network on which a host resides, and a host portion – to identify specific hosts on a network. A subnet mask is used to identify the length of each portion.

  1. What are three characteristics of multicast transmission?
  • A single packet can be sent to a group of hosts.

  • Multicast transmission can be used by routers to exchange routing information.

  • The range of to is reserved to reach multicast groups on a local network.

    Explanation:The private IP addresses are within these three ranges: – – –

  1. Which three IP addresses are private ? (Choose three.)

    ​ The private IP addresses are within these three ranges:
    ​ –
    ​ –
    ​ –

  2. Which two IPv4 to IPv6 transition techniques manage the interconnection of IPv6 domains? (Choose two.)

  • dual stack

  • Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64)

  • tunneling

    Explanation:There are three techniques to allow IPv4 and IPv6 to co-exist on a network. Dual stack allows IPv4 and IPv6 to coexist on the same network segment. Dual stack devices run both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks simultaneously. Tunneling is a method of transporting an IPv6 packet over an IPv4 network. The IPv6 packet is encapsulated inside an IPv4 packet, similar to other types of data. Network Address Translation 64 (NAT64) allows IPv6-enabled devices to communicate with IPv4-enabled devices using a translation technique similar to NAT for IPv4.

  1. What type of address is automatically assigned to an interface when IPv6 is enabled on that interface?
  • link-local

    Explanation:When IPv6 is enabled on any interface, that interface will automatically generate an IPv6 link-local address.

  1. What are two types of IPv6 unicast addresses? (Choose two.)
  • loopback

  • link-local

    Explanation:Multicast, anycast, and unicast are types of IPv6 addresses. There is no broadcast address in IPv6. Loopback and link-local are specific types of unicast addresses

  1. What are three parts of an IPv6 global unicast address? (Choose three.)
  • an interface ID that is used to identify the local host on the network
  • a global routing prefix that is used to identify the network portion of the address that has been provided by an ISP
  • a subnet ID that is used to identify networks inside of the local enterprise site
  1. An administrator wants to configure hosts to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to themselves by the use of Router Advertisement messages, but also to obtain the DNS server address from a DHCPv6 server. Which address assignment method should be configured?
  • stateless DHCPv6

    Explanation:Stateless DHCPv6 allows clients to use ICMPv6 Router Advertisement (RA) messages to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to themselves, but then allows these clients to contact a DHCPv6 server to obtain additional information such as the domain name and address of DNS servers. SLAAC does not allow the client to obtain additional information through DHCPv6, and stateful DHCPv6 requires that the client receive its interface address directly from a DHCPv6 server. RA messages, when combined with an EUI-64 interface identifier, are used to automatically create an interface IPv6 address, and are part of both SLAAC and stateless DHCPv6.

  1. Which protocol supports Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) for dynamic assignment of IPv6 addresses to a host?
  • ICMPv6
  1. What is the purpose of ICMP messages?
  • to provide feedback of IP packet transmissions
  1. What is indicated by a successful ping to the ::1 IPv6 address?
  • IP is properly installed on the host.

Explanation:The IPv6 address ::1 is the loopback address. A successful ping to this address means that the TCP/IP stack is correctly installed. It does not mean that any addresses are correctly configured.

  1. What field content is used by ICMPv6 to determine that a packet has expired?
  • Hop Limit field

Explanation:ICMPv6 sends a Time Exceeded message if the router cannot forward an IPv6 packet because the packet expired. The router uses a hop limit field to determine if the packet has expired, and does not have a TTL field.

  1. Match each description with an appropriate IP address.
  • Link-Local addresses are assigned automatically by the OS environment and are located in the block
  • The private addresses ranges are,, and
  • TEST-NET addresses belong to the range
  • Experimental addresses are reserved in the block to
  • Loopback addresses belong to the block
  1. What is a result of connecting two or more switches together?
  • The size of the broadcast domain is increased.
  1. If a network device has a mask of /28, how many IP addresses are available for hosts on this network?

    • 14
      Explanation:A /28 mask is the same as This leaves 4 host bits(32-28=4 host bits). With 4 host bits, 16 IP addresses are possible, but one address represents the subnet number and one address represents the broadcast address. 14 addresses can then be used to assign to network devices. $2^4-2=16$
  1. How many host addresses are available on the network with a subnet mask of

    • 1022
      A mask of is equal to a prefix of /22. A /22 prefix provides 22 bits for the network portion and leaves 10 bits for the host portion. The 10 bits in the host portion will provide 1022 usable IP addresses (210 – 2 = 1022).
  2. ![](/Users/junyi/ example2.png)



文章标题:CCNA Chapter 7-11 Exam Review



发布时间:2019-01-20, 06:59:44

最后更新:2019-01-22, 14:12:42


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